10 Reasons The Emperor’s New Groove Is The Best Disney Movie

2. Unique Storytelling

Considering how much credit Deadpool has been getting lately, it should be noted that Kuzco was breaking the fourth wall before it was cool. The way he interjects into the film as a hilariously selfish narrator to highlight himself and remind the audience how important he is works brilliantly as a framing device and speaks to the kind of unique storytelling model the film applies. Another great example of its off-kilter approach to the story is how Yzma describes her nefarious plans. The graphic insets as she describes turning Kuzco into a flea, putting him in a box, putting that box in a bigger box, then sending it to herself and smashing it with a hammer give the film character and a unique visual style. The movie consistently felt self-aware and was more than simply a story of getting from Point A to Point B and having some distractions and development along the way. The story was told in a way unlike Disney has really attempted and it€™s one of the main reasons that it stands out from the rest of their classic fare.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.