10 Reasons The Fantastic Four Looks Great

8. Looks Like It's Based On The Ultimate Comic

Whilst it's usually very easy to trace the source material of the Marvel Studios films €“ each Iron Man film has come from a particular iconic storyline, as did Captain America: The Winter Solider €“ and the Spider-Man films have done the same, Fox tend to play a lot more fast and loose with their adaptations. Which makes predicting things difficult. Not so much with The Fantastic Four, at least based on all these early reports and the teaser clip. The presence of comics writer Mark Millar as a creative consultant and the promise of a more €œrealistic€ origin story (than flying into space secretly and getting bombarded by cosmic rays, anyway) suggest they're going straight to Ultimate Fantastic Four. The series was a modern update of the story, with the cast younger and more naïve, their powers the result of a failed attempt to visit another universe. By throwing themselves into a Large Hadron Collider-style machine. Ultimate FF is some of the best FF there's been, so taking that as inspiration is a good sign.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/