10 Reasons Why Dawn of the Dead Remake Sucks
Further proving Nicole was the most useless character and written in to the movie for the simple purpose of finding a cheap excuse to end it, she is the reason why everything goes to shit. Sure, everyone blames Steve for locking the group out when they're being chased by the zombies, but Nicole is the stupid bitch that causes everything. After desperately trying to get food to Andy, the group figures out that the best way to get food to him is to strap food to Chips and slide him down in to the ground where he can go to Andy. Surely, there was no guarantee this would work. I mean when the group boards the island in the finale, Chips runs off in to the trees barking for no apparent reason. What if Chips saw a Cat and chased after it? What if Chips decided to eat the food himself? What if Chips is run over by a passing truck? Or maybe the most logical question: What if the zombies eat animals?!
But, no, the brain trusts in this mall are out of ideas (see number 4), Kenneth takes one look at Chips and figures it's a good idea. Probably because the dog is so damn annoying. Sliding Chips down in to the hungry horde of zombies, Nicole and the group see for themselves that Chips won't be eaten. The dog even walks through the zombies like he's the cock of the walk. But no, Nicole isn't happy. She escapes, drives to Andy's store, and retreats inside only to be attacked and trapped by zombie Andy. Rather than say "Let her think about what she's done for a while, we'll get her when the tanks are ready," the group goes after her, they lose one of their best men, and they're locked out. The mall is lost, and the group is forced to retreat ahead of schedule. Thanks Nicole. Get naked and take a swan dive in to the zombies now.