10 Reasons Why The Muppet Christmas Carol Is The Best Christmas Movie

5. Bob Cratchit

The Muppet Christmas Carol Michael Caine

Kermit is the perfect Muppet for the humble, good-hearted and somewhat meek Bob Cratchit, the loveable and unassuming working class hero of the story.

In the beginning, Mr Cratchit is barely something Scrooge would scrape off the bottom of his boot. But his insignificance is exactly why he is important. Cratchit is the everyman, the common worker who is rich in ways other than money - which he doesn't have. Throw Kermit the Frog into the role, and suddenly this is combined with a humbleness and caring attitude that make him such an unquestionable hero.

Bob Cratchit, almost without knowing it, throws Scrooge's dismal outlook into disarray. He does so without an obvious agenda or goal besides expressing love for his family and being a humble friend to everyone he meets. You desperately want to just reach through the screen and give Kermit a Christmas hug.

Dickens arguably had a more damning outlook of abuse of the working class in mind when he originally wrote A Christmas Carol, but Kermit brings a much welcome source of warmth and love to somebody who, at the end of the day, is a family man. Like always, Kermit is an unbridled source of joy.


I write regularly about all things pop culture, and am an individually approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes. I am the Film News Editor for FILMHOUNDS Magazine and a Senior Writer for Starburst Magazine UK. My other credits include bylines in The Guardian, The Quietus and The Indiependent.