10 Reasons Why Warner Brothers MUST Release The Snyder Cut

7. It Promotes The Value Of Artistic Vsion

Snyder Cut
Warner Bros. Pictures

Like all Director's Cuts, the concept is one of restoring artistic vision. Right now, WB's developed a rather troublesome reputation of toying with creative integrity, at least in the past. This has been a massive problem with almost every Snyder/WB collaboration as he always has an extended/director's cut of his films when they hit store shelves, and they're ALWAYS received more positively than the theatrical version, without fail.

Sucker Punch, Watchmen, Batman v. Superman, each of them was a movie that was made lesser due to studio demands. Yet, Snyder always seems to thrive when he's allowed to fulfill his overarching plans for a project. Will everyone like the direction he takes things? Of course not! Does that mean it should be watered down or tarnished because the studio gets cold feet? Absolutely not.

Optimistically, the recent run of creatively-driven projects like Joker and the upcoming Birds of Prey seems to represent a new direction for WB. If they followed those films up with a confirmation for the Snyder Cut, that would indicate that Warner Brothers are proponents of the work of artists being respected and upheld. What better way to coerce talent to your studio than showing you value artistic vision?


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.