10 Reasons Why Warner Brothers MUST Release The Snyder Cut
3. It Would Allow Snyder (And His Fans) Some Closure

Many thoughts are had and have been shared on Snyder's contribution to DC's filmography, he's been put through the wringer with the studio tearing apart his vision at almost every turn. JL was an awful, tragic footnote to end on, especially since the studio tarnished his film once again. Not many know the true quality of the Snyder Cut, but surely the man deserves to see his vision through to the end, especially since he was hired to do exactly that.
Snyder, through thick and thin, has provided immensely distinct interpretations on classic characters in a modern age where the most popular films repeat what has come before. He reintroduced Wonder Woman into the public sphere and allowed the superheroine to thrive more than ever. He even managed to make Aquaman, one of fiction's most laughable heroes in many people's eyes, a total badass that everyone loves. His efforts should not be trivialized, even if you don't like the direction he took with your favorite heroes.
Allow Zack Snyder the opportunity to finish his trilogy. Snyder fans likely won't get anything like BvS or MoS again, but with this version of JL, they, along with Snyder, could get some needed closure.