10 Reasons Why You Must Watch Pacific Rim

7. Ron Perlman


At the age of 63, Ron Perlman is showing no sign of stopping. Having appeared in five of del Toro€™s films to date, he plays the extravagant role of Hannibal Chau in Pacific Rim. Perlman has always managed to play some compelling characters in his career, each with their own unique flair and of course, Hannibal Chau is no exception to that rule. Deriving his name from the famous fictional character and his favourite restaurant, Hannibal Chau resides in Hong Kong, as he makes his living by selling Kaiju organs in the black market. Chau is essentially the comedy relief in Pacific Rim, starring alongside the great Charlie Day (It€™s Always Sunny in Philadelphia). He doesn€™t necessarily play a large part towards the central focus of the story, but his very colourful and flamboyant nature cements him as of the more memorable roles in the movie. It seems that del Toro always manages to utilise Perlman to his best abilities, and it can be argued that he€™s one of the best things about Blade II. Ron Perlman has always has a huge presence on the big screen, and when he€™s working together with del Toro, they both produce gold. Now, where's Hellboy 3?

Comic book store employee, writing about all the things I love: movies, comic books and wrasslin'. It's still real to me, damn it.