10 Reasons X-Men Should Never Join The MCU

7. An Overcrowded Cast Of Characters, Or A Watered Down Version Of The X-Men (Take Your Pick)

Marvel X-Men

If the X-Men were to merge into the MCU, one of two things would happen: either Marvel's roster would become far too large, or we will be given a very bare-bones version of the X-Men, neither of which are particularly appealing.

Marvel has already had to deal with the issues that go along with having as many characters as they do with their ensemble films, most notably in Age of Ultron. Fair enough, they tried their best to make sure all of the characters had something to do and while the film was solid, it's very clear how taxing the character juggling started to get on the filmmakers after a while.

What's more is that Infinity War will have roughly twice the amount of heroes as Age of Ultron, not to mention any future films of the sort. And considering that most of the X-Men movies are practically ensemble films themselves, adding all of those characters to the mix as well would be a recipe for a hot mess.

On the other hand, if they were to go the route of using a thinned-out version of the X-Men, well, what fun would that be exactly? What would be the point of giving Marvel back the rights to the X-Men if they won't be able to use them to their fullest potential?

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.