10 Recent Horror Movie Deaths Nobody Saw Coming

6. Elaine - Beau Is Afraid

Alien: Romulus Kay

Because having a character suddenly kill themselves by drinking a can of paint apparently isn't unpredictable enough, Ari Aster went one further near the end of his madcap psychological horror film Beau Is Afraid.

In a masterful feat of misdirection, it's established early on that Beau (Joaquin Phoenix) is terrified that he will die of a hereditary heart murmur if he has sex. And so, when Beau hooks up with childhood friend Elaine (Parker Posey), it's a sequence filled with weirdly gut-wrenching tension.

Then the big twist, er, comes (sorry). Beau survives climaxing just fine, but Elaine is the one who dies instead, her body immediately turning stiff mid-orgasm.

It happens totally out of nowhere and Aster makes no attempt at all to clearly explain why Elaine was the one to die, ensuring that audiences were left a bewildering mixture of horrified, confused, and perhaps even grimly amused. Never change, Ari.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.