10 Recent Horror Movies You Should Watch Knowing NOTHING

4. Hostile Dimensions

The Substance Demi Moore
Enlightened Monster Productions

There's plenty of low-budget horror Content sloughed onto streaming platforms every single week, but here's a cheap-as-chips genre romp made with real creativity and invention.

Graham Hughes' Hostile Dimensions is a bold take on the found footage genre which takes one of the more played-out concepts of contemporary filmmaking - one you can probably guess from its title - and gives it an incredibly welcome DIY makeover.

At just 80 minutes in length, Hughes' film wastes no time at all in milking its creative concept for every drop, all while stretching its scant price tag to near-snapping point.

Let's just say one thing here without spoiling the movie's many surprises - surely no other horror film in history has had more in common with Monsters, Inc. than this. Seriously.

Yet again, it's a film that confirms inventive ideas will always triumph over big budgets. More like this, please.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.