10 Recent Movie Cameos NOBODY Saw Coming
4. Jon Hamm & John Slattery - Unfrosted
Jerry Seinfeld's inexplicably Emmy-nominated (!) Netflix film Unfrosted may have been instantly forgettable, but there's a single scene that just might've stuck in your brain.
The Pop-Tart biopic (don't laugh) features a surprise dual cameo from Mad Men stars Jon Hamm and John Slattery, playing a pair of ad men who present Kellogg's with an inappropriately sexy ad pitch for the humble Pop-Tart - one which they predictably reject.
Though Hamm and Slattery's characters presumably aren't named on-screen for legal reasons, the twosome are very clearly supposed to be reprising their respective Mad Men roles of iconic ad honchos Don Draper and Roger Sterling.
This is by far the funniest scene in the film, with Hamm and Slattery bringing an infectiously po-faced sense of fun to their brief cameos.
You can tell they had a blast filming it, and if nothing else, it was a welcome reminder that Mad Men is one of the greatest works of television ever produced.