10 Recent Movie Endings NOBODY Saw Coming

8. Argylle Is A Kingsman Agent - Argylle

Hit Man Glen Powell 2023
Apple TV+

Matthew Vaughn's Argylle may have been a big ol' mess, but even if you predicted the climactic twist, that author Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard) is actually the mysterious Agent Argylle herself, you probably didn't see that confusing post-credits scene coming.

Set 20 years earlier, the scene introduces the audience to a young man in a pub (Louis Partridge) called the King's Man, where said young man is revealed to be a Kingsman agent, and his name? Aubrey Argylle - the very same protagonist of Elly's book series.

Wait, what?

The primary takeaway here is that Argylle and Kingsman take place in the same universe, though for many viewers this revelation proved more head-scratching than exciting. 

How exactly do these two versions of Agent Argylle reconcile? And what about Samuel L. Jackson playing two separate characters in Argylle and the original Kingsman?

Then again, given that Argylle was a colossal box office flop and Vaughn has been struggling to get a new Kingsman movie off the ground for a number of years now, it's highly likely that this universal link ultimately won't amount to much.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.