10 Recent Movie Endings NOBODY Saw Coming

7. Paris Gets Flooded - Under Paris

Hit Man Glen Powell 2023

Even accepting the all-bets-are-off absurdity of Under Paris' premise - whereby a giant shark shows up in the Seine - things go from wild to positively bats**t crazy in the disaster flick's closing moments.

In the finale, researcher Sophia (Bérénice Bejo) devises a plan to lure the sharks out of the catacombs and blow them up before they can make short work of those swimming a triathlon in the Seine.

Things inevitably don't go swimmingly, but it gets even worse when the military start shooting the mama shark, Lilith, with some of the bullets striking unexploded bombs that have been resting at the bottom of the Seine since World War II.

This triggers a chain reaction of explosions which destroy all the surrounding bridges and cause central Paris to become totally flooded, leaving Sophia and diver Adil (Nassim Lyes) surrounded by ravenous sharks.

And because that's somehow not enough, the end credits then imply that the sharks have spread to all major river cities around the globe, laying some serious groundwork for a sequel if Netflix wants it.

Given that Under Paris quickly became one of the streamer's most-watched original films ever, the odds are certainly looking good.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.