10 Recent Movie Endings That Pissed Everyone Off

7. The Devil Inside (2012)

Buried Ending
Paramount Pictures

2012's The Devil Inside holds one of the worst reviews for a film we've ever seen, with its controversial ending taking a whole load of the blame for this.

The film begins by showing us Maria Rossi, a triple-murderer being apprehended by the Catholic Church and locked away in a psychiatric hospital in Rome. From there, the movie becomes a typical found footage story following Maria's daughter Isabella and her filmmaker friend Michael producing a documentary on exorcisms.

She decides to visit Rome in order to learn more about her mother and is shown around by two priests, David and Ben. Whilst the majority of the film is pretty typical in showing us all the usual possession traits, the ending is easily what makes The Devil Inside stand out in infamy.

The film's finale begins with Isabella becoming possessed and being led into a car by Ben and Michael. Isabella becomes frenzied and forces Michael into driving towards some oncoming traffic, crashing the car and killing the two boys. Isabella isn't shown however as the screen fades to black.

The filmmakers then decide that the audience need to be assigned some homework, putting a website URL on screen instructing the audience to keep up to date with the Rossi investigation on there. We all loved the Blair Witch Project, but there are lines we don't cross guys.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.