10 Recent Movie Reshoots That Were INSANELY Obvious

5. The Rushed Climax - Thanksgiving

Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania
TriStar Pictures

Eli Roth's Thanksgiving is a fun slasher romp for sure, albeit one that begins to fall apart in its final 10 minutes as it becomes abundantly clear that something went wrong with the climax during principal photography.

The finale feels incredibly rushed and has a number of inconsistencies which suggest the sequence was majorly messed around with during post-production.

Firstly, Jessica (Nell Verlaque) brutally twists her ankle while fleeing the killer, yet mere seconds later, she doesn't show any signs of her injury at all while jogging to Sheriff Newlon (Patrick Dempsey).

Then when Jessica finally kills the killer, who happens to be Newlon himself, his explosive demise is accompanied by both some blatantly ADR'd dialogue ("You were right, Sheriff. No leftovers!") and an oddly quick cut to black.

Seconds later we cut to the aftermath, which now bafflingly takes place in daylight despite the final confrontation being set at night, and where another line is obviously dubbed in ("Tell Ryan he's still a dick, even if he's not the killer").

Evidently Roth decided to make some serious editorial changes to the film's finale in post, as the choppiness suggests it was originally much longer and more involved.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.