10 Recent Movie Scenes Actors Hated Performing

7. A Fatality Made Lewis Tan Sick To His Stomach - Mortal Kombat

Harley quinn
Warner Bros.

Perhaps the most iconic feature found within the realm of all things Mortal Kombat comes in the form of the many creatively grotesque "fatalities" that can be executed in the closing stages of a skirmish.

Wanting to give their fans what they came to see during the making of the most recent effort, "fatalities" were given an extra dose of attention on set when crafting 2021's Mortal Kombat reboot.

In fact, the sets were said to be so realistic, and in turn unexpectedly repulsive, that one of the film's stars, Lewis Tan, felt rather uneasy after stumbling upon one during the shoot. As the Cole Young actor explained to Variety:

“Yeah, they’re pretty gruesome. I walked on set one day and I didn’t know what was going on, and I accidentally walked into a post-fatality set and I felt pretty sick to my stomach."

Though understandably not the easiest of scenes to work through without churning up what you had for lunch, the actor did go on to admit that director Simon McQuoid did his utmost to respectfully pay homage to the video game's uncompromising grisliness without sensationalising it.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...