10 Recent Movie Subplots Everybody Hated

8. Donnie's Daughter Wants To Be A Boxer - Creed III

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While there was certainly nothing wrong with Creed III delving back into themes of fatherhood by exploring Donnie's (Michael B. Jordan) relationship with his deaf daughter Amara (Mila Davis-Kent), it did ultimately end up feeling a little too calculated for its own good.

A significant subplot is devoted to Amara getting into trouble at school for punching another student, and Donnie and his wife Bianca (Tessa Thompson) come into conflict over whether or not he should teach his daughter how to fight.

Ultimately, Creed III ends with Donnie play-boxing with Amara in the empty ring following his match against Dame (Jonathan Majors), with the very clear, neon-signposted implication that Amara will most likely follow in her father's footsteps.

It's certainly great to see deaf representation in a major movie, but having Amara get into boxing just felt a little too neat and contrived, to nudge the door open for another character who could carry the franchise when Donnie eventually steps away.

Though Amara is still young, it's easy to picture a future Creed movie where she works her way up from the amateur circuit with Donnie as her trainer, but given how half-assed her subplot felt in this movie, it's a bit of a tough sell.

More to the point, the Amara scenes just ate up time in a movie that already felt a little too rushed with regard to the Donnie/Dame conflict.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.