10 Recent Movie Subplots Everybody Hated

7. NFT Shilling - Clerks III

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Clerks III certainly took some bold, surprisingly dark swings that proved divisive with the fanbase, but at least they felt consistent with the emotional, deeply personal story that Kevin Smith was trying to tell.

All that NFT shilling, though? Not so much.

One of the film's running gags is that Elias (Trevor Fehrman) and his friend Blockchain (Austin Zajur) are members of the Christian Crypto Club and trying to sell... NFT kites. Yup.

While at first glance it might seem like Smith is making fun of the whole crypto circus, that's not really the case, given that the film ends with Elias and Blockchain's kites selling out and generating a million dollars in revenue.

More to the point, Smith is himself pro-NFT, having released his 2022 film KillRoy Was Here exclusively as an NFT - a move which unsurprisingly pissed off a significant portion of his fandom.

But more than anything, all this NFT nonsense will just date Clerks III horribly years from now, when the very notion of NFTs is likely (hopefully) a distant relic of 2020s Internet culture.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.