10 Recent Movie Subplots Everybody Hated

5. Anti-Ageing Goo - Avatar: The Way Of Water

Avatar The Way Of Water

Avatar: The Way of Water is not a subtle movie by any measure, but uses its mesmerising visuals to spread an important message about the environment.

One of its major subplots takes aim at the whaling industry, when Quaritch (Stephen Lang) commandeers a vessel which is hunting the whale-like Tulkun.

This is fine enough, except that James Cameron goes a little too daft for his own good when it's revealed that the whalers hunt the Tulkun in order to extract a yellow liquid, Amrita, secreted by their glands.

More to the point, Amrita is able to stop human ageing completely, which in turn makes it the most precious commodity in the human economy, even more valuable than the first film's Unobtanium.

While the whalers hunting the Tulkun because they secrete something isn't an inherently bad idea, making it anti-ageing goo that doesn't just slow human ageing but stops it entirely feels a little too cartoonish, even for Avatar.

Though it raises an interesting question about how the discovery of immortality affects life back on the dying Earth, it also feels thrown into the story totally out of nowhere.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.