10 Recent Movie Trailers That Gave Too Much Away

8. Godzilla Vs. Kong

Black Widow 2
Warner Bros.

Though it was long rumoured pre-release that Mechagodzilla would be the ultimate antagonist in Godzilla vs. Kong, did the trailers really need to go ahead and confirm it?

The first trailer for the film featured a not-sneaky-enough shot of what appeared to be a robot monster's red eyes as it terrorised a major city, and it didn't take long for fans to figure out what it meant.

By the week of the film's release, Warner Bros. had given up any and all pretenses, spoiling Mechagodzilla's presence more overtly in a host of international TV spots.

Considering that Godzilla fighting King Kong is plenty to sell a movie, and Mechagodzilla probably isn't going to have much pull with mainstream audiences anyway, what was the point in spoiling this aspect of the film?

The nerds who knew about Mechagodzilla were always going to watch the movie regardless, but one suspects Warner Bros. wanted to get a viral discussion about the "hidden" visage of Mechagodzilla in the first trailer, spoilers be damned.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.