10 Recent Movies That Were Sent Out To Die

4. Reminiscence

Death On The Nile
Warner Bros.

Here's a terrify statistic to sum up Reminiscence's failure: As of this writing, it holds the record for the worst box office opening for a film showing in over 3000 theatres.

This is impressively bad, even though on paper it sounds like a hit. Hugh Jackman as a man using people's memories to find the woman he loves - what could possibly go wrong? As it turns out, everything.

Not only was Reminiscence yet another recent dud given no time to appeal to audiences, when it finally did hit people's screens its sloppy, genre-bending mystery failed to come together in a compelling way.

Ambitious as it may be, the noir drama is painfully dull, and due to its thematic stumbles and lack of advertisements, it earned only $15 million of the $100 million it needed to break even. Ouch.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.