10 Recent Movies That Were Sent Out To Die

3. Moonfall

Death On The Nile

Moonfall is a Roland Emmerich picture through-and-through, utterly ridiculous but well aware of its absurdity and B-movie cheesiness.

Despite pouring over $30 million into a marketing campaign mostly aimed at social media, though, the insane disaster flick really struggled to gain any following, with many undoubtedly finding its old-school disaster tropes too tacky to get invested in.

Whether you enjoy the film or not totally depends on where you stand on Emmerich's style, but either way it's hard not to see Moonfall as a movie with major money-making potential that came out at the wrong time, and suffered the consequences, claiming just shy of $40 million from a $150 million budget.

According to Emmerich and star John Bradley, there are two more films planned to follow Moonfall, so we'll have to wait and see if this was a one-off flop or not.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.