10 Recent Movies That Were Sent Out To Die

8. Booksmart

Anna Luc Besson
United Artists

One of the most tragic recent instances of movies being sent out to die, Twitter tried to do more for this film than its studio did.

Annapurna is notorious for being awful promoters of their films, and Booksmart was no exception despite its quality and strong word of mouth on social media.

Perhaps the most interesting way the release schedule of the film sabotaged itself was that the French distribution was handled by Netflix, and for some reason they thought it was a good idea to release it in HD streaming on the same day as its United States opening... which meant there were HD rips available on illegal torrent hosting and streaming sites right from the offset.

In a market increasingly indicative of the fact that people are less and less willing to pay a full price ticket for a comedy when so many are available on streaming, this decision was ridiculous. It didn't help that Booksmart was released in the early whirlwind success of Aladdin that would continue for literal months. It didn't do too badly when considering it only had a $6 million budget, but it could have been so much more.

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