10 Remakes We Will Inevitably See In The Next 20 Years

8. The Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club In regards to the spectrum of potential for a good or bad remake, the Breakfast Club sits right in the middle. Starring a cast that may not even be born yet, this new version of the classic high school story could either turn into some sort of dumb teen melodrama thing, or it could really tap into the issues and world-view of a whole new generation. High school culture in twenty or so years will probably be almost unrecognizable to those of us who attended in the 80's, 90's or 2000's, and any movie that hopes to connect with a younger audience will of course have to recognize that. Anthony Michael Hall's gun-at-school subplot in particular sticks out as almost hopelessly antiquated even now, so who knows what else will change down the line. Either way, anyone reading this article now will probably find this remake almost completely impossible to relate to, no matter how good or bad it turns out.
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Jordan Schaeffer has many pan-nerdly interests. Said interests include but are not limited to: Comics, old horror movies, comics, video games, TV shows of a certain caliber, and comics. Ask him anything about The Venture Brothers. He is American, but is starting to get a sneaking suspicion that everyone else on WhatCulture! is British.