10 Ridiculous Complaints About Upcoming Movies That Need To Die

8. Everything Will Be Hyper-Extended - The Hobbit: The Battle Of Five Armies

After the extended opening film, which seemed to take an age of watching dwarves walk over mountains to actually get anywhere, the second film in Jackson's second Middle Earth trilogy was an up-turn but it was still fatally dull in places. To compensate for the lack of real substance in places, the director injected his set-pieces with more importance and ceremony and the result was an imbalanced affair, which some suggest is destined to be the tale of The Battle Of Five Armies. But frankly the third film should be a celebration of the Hobbit story, and the wider mythology of Middle Earth leading up to the rise of Sauron. That is it's precise purpose, and as such it has certain responsibilities to deliver not just on the hype of the major set-pieces involved, but also to give us a reason for having already invested in two comparatively underwhelming films to date. There should be no cynicism aimed at Jackson's handling of the two major set-pieces (the Battle itself and Smaug's attack on Lake-Town), even if the immediate response to the trailer was assuming the ice river sequence would be much longer than necessary. That aside, complaining about the grandeur of the final film seems foolish considering that will be its over-riding agenda from the off.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.