10 Ridiculous Complaints About Upcoming Movies That Need To Die

7. The Terrible Name - Terminator: Genysis

You know there's something wrong with fan expectations when the chance to see a fifth film in one of the most enduringly popular sci-fi movie franchise of all time is tainted by an intentional spelling error. Perhaps because Salvation wasn't the success for fans that it could and should have been, the announcement of a sequel was met with far more cynicism than the studio could ever have expected. Arnie is an old man; the series had sagged for two instalments (including one with a brilliant cast) and most importantly, the title meant nothing. But would fans have been happy with something more cliched? Should Skydance have gone with Terminator Rising or The Terminator Begins? The answer, clearly, is no and eventually Genisys is going to mean something: so put your cynicism aside and open your hearts to a film that will return the franchise to its roots and which has another brilliant cast including Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke and Matt Smith. It might be difficult to expect anything but another slump - and perhaps the death of the franchise altogether - but the individual elements are strong enough to make concerns over a single word utterly baffling. And if you really must hate it, do so for the right reasons.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.