10 Ridiculous Complaints About Upcoming Movies That Need To Die

5. The Original Is Untouchable - Point Break

In most cases, the decision to remake any movie that was even remotely popular in the '80s or '90s is tantamount to presenting a red flag to a bull: the internet will flame, teeth will be gnashed and a thousand angry blogs will launch. Such is the inevitable way of a world in which nostalgia is a far more valuable currency than actually remembering how good or bad the films in question were. The inevitably poor reaction to the news that Keanu Reeves' "classic" Point Break was up for a redo was based mostly on the sanctity of the original; but that missed the point that the film really wasn't all that great. Like Road House, Point Break thrives at the point where cult and classic blur in entirely the wrong way. Yes, there are excellent set pieces, but it's an exercise in massaging the egos of gnarly dudes who live on the edge in a world that is entirely unattainable, and without Katherine Bigelow directing it would have been utterly irredeemable. Point Break isn't at all untouchable, and if the central concept wasn't so out of date a remake would be welcome; what should be the biggest concern, however, is that it has been made by a Fast & Furious cinematographer, and stars Ray Winstone.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.