10 Ridiculous Film Stories Everyone Believed (But Were Actually April Fool's)

8. George Takei Returns To The Role Of Sulu In New Movie

April Fools pranks are always going to seem at their most credible when they come straight from the horse's mouth, and that's exactly why George Takei's prank, which came straight from his Facebook page, was so great. Takei, famed for interacting with his fans and posting near-daily Facebook updates, tricked his legion of fans by announcing that he would be reprising the role of Sulu in a new Star Trek film called Excelsior. Reading the prank itself suggests that its success is perhaps more a sign of the gullibility of his fans more than the slyness of Takei's prank, given how unlikely Paramount would be to announce another Star Trek film when Star Trek Into Darkness was already in production. Furthermore, he really started to stretch credibility by including in his announcement the casting of Gilbert Gottfried (playing a wily Ferengi First Officer) and Lisa Lampanelli (as a Bajoran security officer). Though it would be great to see Takei in a JJ Abrams Trek film, we have no dice to date. Still, the fanboys were so desperate to believe it that sense chose not to prevail; just look at the comments on the Facebook page itself.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.