10 Ridiculous Movie Plots That Sound Like Fan Fiction (But Are Real)

8. Hobbs & Shaw

Hobbs and Shaw

The Fast and Furious franchise is already fan fiction for car racing. The creators of the latest films in the franchise even said going to space is not out of the question. The whole concept is a meme.

Still, the all hype with little substance aspect of these movies doesn't give it a pass on this list. Hobbs & Shaw screams fan fiction set up, and the plot plays out like that. Viewers see Hobbs try to pull down a helicopter by a chain. On top of that, the entire group survives the crash it causes. Only fans of these two men would come up with that concept.

Every single scene these two share plays out like a wet dream for fans of the characters. The dialogue is witty, but it's amusing in an obvious way. No one can look at this film, and it's standing in the franchise and not get a fan fiction vibe.

The main villain, while impressive in a lot of ways, refers to himself as "black Superman." That phrase alone is enough to warrant this film a spot on this list.

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Hobbs & Shaw
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I'm a freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Atlanta, Georgia. I write and film on a number of topics. Currently, you can find my work at Dissecting the Director YouTube page, The Binger YouTube page, and WhatCulture.com