10 Ridiculous Performances That Totally Derailed A Movie

6. Andie MacDowell (Four Weddings And A Funeral)

Four Weddings And A Funeral is easily the best film to come out of the Richard Curtis-Hugh Grant love affair over the years, but that's in no part thanks to Andie MacDowell, who delivers a shambolic performance for the ages as love interest Carrie. It's impressive really to think how well the film has done, raking in almost $250 million at the box office and earning an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture despite the wooden nature of the central romance. Though Grant is his brilliant frothy self, MacDowell's performance is drained of almost all exuberance whatsoever. The most commonly maligned line of dialogue is her dreadful delivery of "Is it raining? I hadn't noticed", but there's rarely a scene where she manages to emote convincingly, living up to the rather vapid association that most of us have with models-turned-actresses. Still, she was perfectly fine in Groundhog Day, so what gives? It blows my mind that casting directors would have watched these two in a screen test and thought it would make a great rom-com, and more to the point, that audiences would be won over by it.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.