10 Ridiculous Stories Behind 2022 Movies

3. Winslet Breaks Tom Cruise's Record - Avatar: The Way Of Water

Avatar Winslet

Well, Kate Winslet's feeling pity for Tom Cruise is not quite how anyone predicted 2023 would end. But alas, here we are.

It all came from James Cameron's resolve for his Avatar sequel to have the most authentic underwater scenes. To this end, he enlisted the cast in intense training regiments, which Winslet took to like a fish to water (I couldn't resist). Since Kate's character grew up underwater, Winslet was extra motivated to perfect this skill.

Through Winslet's training, she just kept getting better and better. Ultimately, she resurfaced after an immense 7 minutes and 14 seconds. After she first needed reassurance that she wasn't dead, she rushed to inform Cameron, delighted with her achievement.

However, that attempt was not only good, but it also set a new record, beating out Tom Cruise's effort of six minutes for Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Once word of this got out to the media, that was essentially all she was asked about during her press rounds. Later, Winslet expressed sympathy for Cruise having to hear about how his record was broken. Whether Cruise is willing to top that remains to be seen. However, we wouldn't put it past him.


Born in the Med but made up north. Loves a cheesy action flick almost as much as the walk back to the seat after another round of karaoke