10 Ridiculously Expensive Movies That Blew Their Budget

5. Green Lantern

Green LanternBudget: $200 million What We Got: Green Lantern is another movie the cost the GDP of a small island, yet ended up looking like absolute garbage. Even discounting the fact that the scripting was awful, making Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan out to be a misogynist douchebag, on a purely aesthetic level the film fails as well. Just two months ahead of the movie's release, it was announced that the visual effects budget has been raised by a whopping $9 million, and additional studios had been hired to hone those effects to a high standard...something that isn't at all apparent in the final cut of the movie. This is how not to make a film bursting with visual effects; Reynolds' Green Lantern suit looks corny and cheap, as do the various CGI creatures, even when they're ably voiced by a fleet of talented actors. Why anyone felt it wise to spend so much money on a relatively niche comic book character - at least compared to established brands - is anyone's guess. The Thor route - a more sensible $150 million budget while tied into the Marvel Cinematic Universe - is far more preferable.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.