10 Ridiculously Gruesome Kills In Recent Action Movies

7. Logan - Seizure Kills

Marvel fans had been clamouring for a no-nonsense rated R Wolverine outing for years and we finally got our wish with 2017's Logan.

We couldn't wait to see Hugh Jackman mercilessly rip his way through countless goobers and henchmen. However, a ton of the stunningly barbaric kills we saw in the eventual movie didn't actually end up coming during a Wolverine berserker rage - although that was still admittedly cool to see later on in the ultra violent flick.

Instead, some of Logan's most unpleasant finishes in the feature came during a scene where an entire area had been temporarily paralysed by a Charles Xavier seizure, similar to the one which killed a number of X-Men in the Westchester incident.

With Logan and Laura being the only people able to move in any way during the seismic event, the pair each try to help Charles in their own way. Laura attempts to inject the Professor with his medication, whereas Logan sets about stabbing The Reavers who were attempting to ambush the group.

There's a few moments capable of making you wince during this sequence. But, the absolute best/worst comes when Wolverine directs his claws straight through a Reaver's head and directly towards the camera, leaving no detail to the imagination.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...