10 Ridiculously Underrated Movie Remakes Everyone Must Watch

7. Evil Dead

The Italian Job 2003
TriStar Pictures

Remember the first time you saw Spider-man director Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead and thought "What a bunch of silly fun!"?

Think hard. Are you sure you're not thinking of the film's cartoony sequel/ sort-of-remake Evil Dead II, or the deliberately comedic TV continuation Ash Vs The Evil Dead?

Upon a revisit, even with its antiquated effects taken into account, there's little to laugh at in the original gritty, disturbing eighties horror.

Luckily, Don't Breathe director Fede Alvarez’s chilling, ultraviolent update of Raimi’s cheesier, less brutal original makes this doubly clear, as the flick strips the story of any lingering comic relief and presents us with an unrelenting and unforgiving cinematic nightmare.

Dumb fun it's not, but for fans of endurance test horror this one hits the sweet spot between torture porn's pretentious nihilism and many horror remake's smug, smirking self referential cuteness.


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