10 Rom-Coms That Will Help You Connect With The Ladies

2. Gigli (2003)

gigli Gentlemen, it€™s all about common ground. Common ground can initially break the ice with a stranger at a bar. It can lead to the first meeting, like if the two of you are part of the same kickball league, or you happen to attend the same coke party. Sometimes, a common ground is so strong that it can overcome differences. And sometimes, that "ground" is actually a person. In Gigli, we see the best possible common ground people in existence: the mentally disabled. Nothing brings men and women together faster than them. That Baywatch loving simpleton€™s charisma is so strong, it actually changes Ricki€™s sexual orientation, causing her and the despicable Larry Gigli to fall in love! People can belittle this film all they want, but I know the truth. I€™ve used this tactic four times, and each of those ex-girlfriends will say how overwhelmingly attracted to me they used to be.

Based in Chicago, Christopher Tucker does what he can to bring a little fun into the world through writing, videos and board games. More of his machinations can be discovered over at Tuckertronik.com. He feels confident that the entirety of his life will be broken into two segments: prior to the finale of Breaking Bad and post Breaking Bad.