1. Thriller-A Cruel Picture (1973)
So far, weve talked a lot about how to interact with women in such a way that you can develop a relationship. Well, theres another side to the coin, a caution that comes with walking and talking with ladies. What happens when you cross them? What can you expect then? This very strange Swedish romantic comedy sheds a great deal of light on the subject. Frigga is mistreated by men. Forced into prostitution and heroin addiction. Beaten and partially blinded. Youd think that this sort of behavior would extinguish the life from her heart. No way, man. She learns to drive, to shoot, to Kung-Fu. She becomes an unstoppable force of bad-assery, and the scumbags who enslaved her face a terrible reckoning. Learn from this Swedish rom-com: women are way more hardcore than men. If you push them too far, you will die.