10 Rotten Tomatoes Scores For 2021 Movies NOBODY Saw Coming

8. Godzilla Vs. Kong (75%)

Eternals Cast
Warner Bros.

The writing seemed to be on the wall for Godzilla vs. Kong a good while before it finally hit cinemas this past March.

Alarm bells began ringing once critics expressed their indifference for Godzilla: King of the Monsters (42%), given that Godzilla vs. Kong had already wrapped principal photography and was therefore unable to course-correct any of the Godzilla sequel's many issues.

In addition to this, the blockbuster received several extensive delays, and during the pandemic word spread that production company Legendary Pictures was considering selling the film to Netflix in order to recoup potential losses.

In the end this didn't happen - it was a hybrid release in cinemas and on HBO Max instead - but expectations were nevertheless exceedingly low.

And while Godzilla vs. Kong was hardly a great film, it was a fun, chaos-strewn blockbuster that absolutely delivered on the epic promises of its title.

Yes, there was still too much of a focus on those damn human characters and it's dumber than a box of bricks, but tentpole-starved critics found it to be a much-needed blast of high-octane, CGI-soaked action, and rewarded it with a respectably solid 75%.

Given that it would've surprised nobody if Godzilla vs. Kong scored half that, it's a great outcome.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.