10 Rotten Tomatoes Scores For 2021 Movies NOBODY Saw Coming

7. Malignant (76%)

Eternals Cast
New Line Cinema

The world's still trying to make sense of this one.

James Wan's new horror film Malignant had basically been condemned months and months before its release, when reports emerged that test screenings were absolutely disastrous and Warner Bros. was basically sending the movie out to die.

It seemed like genre vet Wan had totally whiffed it this time, and the trailers didn't help suggest otherwise, only for Malignant to end up scoring a totally solid 76%.

While the film was wildly divisive with general audiences - netting a "C" CinemaScore - critics were far more appreciative of Wan's campy filmmaking style, even as they wrestled over how much of its tawdry storytelling was intentional.

Many were seemingly swayed by the film's jaw-dropping third act, which makes such a sharply unexpected departure from the more generic preceding horror shenanigans that it basically transformed the entire experience.

Some may argue it's proof that irony alone can indeed propel a film to critical success, but the numbers don't lie.

Given the pre-release anti-hype, Malignant could've scored 10% on the Tomatometer and shocked nobody, so this was quite the turnaround indeed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.