The Lone Ranger will go down in history as another monumental live action flop for Disney, which is a shame. The film may have its problems (okay, so it has a lot of problems), but there is a lot to love as well. There's a good movie in there somewhere, which is abundantly apparent in Gore Verbinski's beautiful cinematography and skillfully directed action set pieces that bookend the film. If Verbinski knows one thing, it's how to stick a landing. Say what you want about the bloated script, bad Johnny Depp performance, or disjointed tone; there's no denying the brilliance and fun of the film's finale. Once that William Tell Overture kicks in, you're instantly awarded for making it this far. It's like Verbinski knew the gruelling journey audiences would have to endure to get to it, so he pulled out all the stops and created something truly unique. It's a shame the whole film couldn't have had the same sense of wild adventure and fun as that sequence, because that's what we all wanted and what we all left the theatre talking about.
James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment.
You can view all of his work on his website,