10 Scariest CGI Movie Monsters

7. Shelob - The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Annihilation Natalie Portman
New Line Cinema

The Lord of the Rings has a number of terrifying creatures appear over the course of the 3 films, but the scariest of all comes in the second movie after Frodo and Sam get separated. Gollum convinces Frodo to travel through 'The Pass of the Spider'. It is travelling through this pass that Frodo comes into contact with Shelob, the giant spider.

Shelob is a horrifying monster with an intricately detailed and nightmarish design. Shelob has dripping fangs and moves exactly as a giant spider would, with incredible speed and unimaginable ferocity.

While Shelob's design is accurate and terrifying, with her large, hairy body, Shelob's actions in this scene are truly scary, as she manages to poison Frodo and wraps him up in web, leaving him hanging in her lair for later.

Shelob is a cursed name for arachnophobic fantasy fans, and with good reason. If you aren't a fan of spiders and find yourself sitting down in front of The Two Towers, it may be worth your time looking away during this scene, that is, if you want to sleep that night.

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