10 Scariest CGI Movie Monsters

6. The Dementors - Harry Potter

Annihilation Natalie Portman
Warner Bros.

The Dementors in Harry Potter are not only terrifying to look at but terrifying in world as well. Originally the guards of Azkaban, the magical prison, and then servants for Lord Voldemort in the later movies, the Dementors are creatures that literally suck the happiness from you, eventually taking your soul if not stopped. The Dementors induce fear in all who come across them, with clear explanation.

Combined with this, visually they are nightmarish, shrouded in ratty black cloaks and floating around like ghosts, the Dementors live up to their terrifying position.

They are scary enough in The Prisoner of Azkaban when they are first introduced, but it is in The Order of the Pheonix that they reach their true fear potential. in this film, the cloaks are tightened giving the Dementors a skeletal and rotten look. For films that are not strictly horror movies, the dementors design is one that lifts the Harry Potter movies well into the realm of nightmares.

The Dementors appear as the Harry Potter films went from light kids films to darker stories, and the design of them shows that.

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