10 Scariest CGI Movie Monsters

2. The Monsters - A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place was John Krasinki's directorial debut and created a terrifying post-apocalyptic world. The monsters in the movie are animalistic creatures with incredible hearing and intent to kill anything the hear. Armed with razor-sharp teeth and claws, and armoured bodies, they seem unstoppable for most of the movie, having wiped out most of humanity by the beginning of the movie.

The audience is not granted a full view of the monsters for much of the movie and when they are, it is a horrifying sight. The creatures are large with long limbs allowing them to move at incredible speed. Alongside this, their armour can lift up and rotate, allowing them to track the sounds they hear more accurately. Little is known about the origins of the monsters and it is not mentioned in the movie.

Alongside the nightmare-inducing design, the monsters, dubbed 'Angels of Death' in the movie, create a world that is a truly terrifying place to live, in which the slightest sound can mean a quick, painful, and certain death. The monsters are incredibly scary and made A Quiet Place a breakout success for Krasinski as director.

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