10 Scariest Cursed Objects In Horror Movies

1. The Necronomicon – The Evil Dead (1981)

Karen Gillan oculus
New Line Cinema

The Naturom Demonto, a Sumerian version of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, was the antagonistic object in the Evil Dead franchise. Different accounts in the series detail that it was either created by human skin and written in blood, or made from the flesh of the powerful Kandarian demon. It contains prophecies and incantations that summon the evil demonic entities the Deadites when read out loud.

In the chronological order of the films, Ash Williams time-travelled to an English graveyard in 1300 AD where he found the book and took it to Castle Kandar where it was locked away until it was discovered by Professor Raymond Knowby and his wife and daughter in the 1980s. They took the book from the castle ruins to their cabin in the woods, where the Professor set about deciphering and translating it. Unfortunately he read and recorded a passage from the book out loud, which caused his wife to be possessed by a Deadite.

Ash and his friends turned up a week later for their holiday and played the recording, leading to the ensuing chaos of the first film. Knowby's daughter Annie brought some missing pages of the book to the cabin the next day and managed to open a vortex which sent the demon (and Ash) back in time, fulfilling the prophecy in the book of a hero 'falling from the sky'.


Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat