10 Scariest Horror Movie Scenes Of All Time

4. Hereditary - Crawling Across The Ceiling

Misery Annie

Hereditary has been A24's scariest film, by far.

There are many terrifying scenes, including the beheading of Charlie, cult members surrounding the house, or the ghost of Annie's dead grandmother showing up slightly in the shadows. Still, here we're talking about the subtle yet terrifying scenes of Annie crawling around the ceiling.

The scene starts as an ordinary sequence, with Peter waking up in his bed after bashing his face into a desk at school and breaking his nose.

Groggy and confused, he sits up, calling for his mum Annie, without knowing that she is now possessed and clinging unnaturally to the top left corner of his room, watching him. It can take audiences a little while as their eyes adjust to the sudden dark switch of the film, but once they do, the inhuman position is bound to put a chill down anyone's spine.

Even Peter feels the same way, but as he turns, Annie quickly but silently scuttles away like a spider. The unnaturalness and inhumanness of her actions make the scene so terrifying and give an overwhelming sense of dread that something bad will happen to Peter.

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Horror Misery
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Writer. Loves films and tv shows. Obsessed with Doctor Who, Supernatural and DC.