10 Scariest Horror Movie Vampires

6. Jared Nomak - Blade 2

Kurt Barlow Salem's Lot
New Line Cinema

How do you move on from a successful '90s Vampire film? You get Guillermo del Toro, and you pay him whatever it costs.

The Reapers are among the most frightening Vampires on this list as they are a foe to both human and Vampire kind alike. The result of a failed experiment, they begin to spread like wildfire among the Vampire population, feeding without regard for species. Their bone armoured hearts are at first seemingly resistant to stakes, leaving sunlight as the only effective weapon.

They are as fast as Blade and stronger, carving their way through the Vampires that come to kill them. What saves them from becoming just another horror movie villain is that their leader, Nomak, is a tragic anti-hero in his own right. He has been cursed to this existence by his father and, as such, has little qualms about who he carves his way through to get to him.

Stuck in the middle is Wesley Snipes' Blade, returning to defend humanity against all of these creatures. In what would prove to be the strongest film in the Blade saga (Blade 2022 has big shoes to fill), the introduction of the Reapers was a high that wouldn't be matched by the woefully inferior Blade: Trinity.

While the critics may not have been too kind to the film on release, the Reapers at least offered a fresh and frightening take on the Vampire mythos - what scares the thing that goes bump in the dark?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick