10 Scariest Horror Movie Vampires

5. Martin - Martin (1978)

Kurt Barlow Salem's Lot
Arrow Films

Shot in 1976, Martin was directed by George A. Romero, who credited the film as being his favourite amongst all of those that he created. The titular Martin is, rather than a demonic creature, merely a disturbed individual, feeling a lust for blood no less all-consuming than Count Orlock himself.

John Amplas stars as Martin. The strength of his performance means that the audience is not so much scared of what might jump out of the shadows, but of what this disturbed young man will do next. He truly believes that he is a Vampire, feeling the need to drink to survive. He cuts ladies' wrists with razor blades and drinks, after drugging them first. His own uncle believes him to be a demon, threatening to kill him should he continue.

Martin attempts to hammer home the point that there is no such thing as magic in the world and that Vampires are as real as any human. He becomes something of a radio sensation, expressing a bitterness about this at the same time. Crucifixes have no effect on him. However, a good stake through the heart does the job.

The film is about the deranged young man who is overcome by his mania. He kills and drinks the blood of his victims, unable to stop himself. In a world where there are so many different types of killers out there, is this not one of the more frightening Vampires to be found?

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Salem's Lot
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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick