10 Scariest Natural Disaster Movies You Need To See

6. Dante's Peak

The Impossible Naomi Watts

1997 was a funny year for disaster enthusiasts as two volcano movies - Dante's Peak and Volcano - were released mere months apart. Although Volcano focused on the direct dangers, Dante's Peak took a more creative approach, dealing with volcanic phenomena that most people are unfamiliar with.

The film kicks things off with a woman fatally struck by a lava bomb (which is a real thing). Shortly after, two skinny dippers dive into a hot spring, unaware the nearby volcano has converted the water to acid. Although there's only a brief shot of their scalded bodies, it's pure nightmare fuel.

However, it's the motorboat sequence that sticks in everybody's mind, where, to escape the volcanic activity, the ensemble is compelled to sail through a lake. 

When they spot hundreds of dead fish across the surface, the group realise the waters have been contaminated by volcanic sulfur. So, to keep their minds off the fact the acid is eating away at their vessel, they start singing Row Row Row Your Boat, which somehow makes the situation more uncomfortable. Hoping to edge the boat closer to shore, the elder of the group, Grandma Ruth, leaps into the acidic water, scalding herself to death.

Dante's Peak isn't a masterpiece, but it's impressive how this volcano flick devised so many horrifying scenes that don't directly involve the volcano.

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