10 Scariest PG Rated Movies EVER MADE

7. Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom

It's Alive
Paramount Pictures

Two words: Kali Ma.

Okay it's hard to tell if it's actually two words or just one, or more of a chant, but you get the idea.

Featuring a deservedly infamous sequence wherein the villain tears a still-beating heart out of a chest, the second Indiana Jones outing The Temple of Doom was so controversial upon its 1984 release that it actually led, alongside Joe Dante's Gremlins, to the creation of the PG 13 rating.

It was widely agreed that this scene went even further than the first flick's face-melting Ark and therefore necessitated a new rating in between PG and R. Mind you, it was too late for the kids who still recall those two words with a shudder.

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Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.