10 Scariest Shark Movies!

5. Shark Night 3D

Shark Night

A tad gimmicky? Maybe. Still, 2011's Shark Night 3D is an enjoyable popcorn movie full of some good scares and held together by an interesting premise.

For those who have never checked out David R. Ellis' venture into the shark movie subgenre, the film spotlights a bunch of college kids who go on a lake-side retreat for the weekend. That Louisiana-set break takes a turn for the tasty, when the majority of these disposable teens end up being devoured by a slew of various sharks - which is revealed to be part of some twisted reality TV show.

That reality TV angle is fleshed out with the reveal that the deaths seen in the movie is part of a scheme from a few locals who look to stream these demises out online to an audience of bloodthirsty sorts.

What's particularly scary about Shark Night 3D, is that it doesn't seem all that inconceivable that this may well end up being the next stage of reality TV in a couple of years.

From The Real World, to Big Brother, to Wherever Has Talent, to the Kardashian bulls**t - maybe feeding people to sharks isn't that crazy an idea for the next big trend in god-awful reality TV.

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Senior Writer

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