10 Scariest Technology Horror Movies

8. Ratter

VIdeodrome Movie
Destination Films

Ratter is a movie that taps into universal anxiety that everyone experiences at least a little each day. The concept that someone could be watching you through all of your devices right now, and you are powerless to stop them.

Webcams and digital devices are unavoidable now. Even the stoutest technophobes people have a laptop or a phone that can observe them, and this movie questions what would happen if a stalker became one with these devices.

The movie centres on a young graduate student named Emma, who moves to a new apartment in New York, and soon discovers that a stalker has hacked into her devices. He uses videos and information to drastically manipulate her life, relationships and safety.

One particularly terrifying aspect of the film is when Emma seeks the police's help, but they cannot do anything to solve the situation. Cybercrime is still a relatively tricky practice to track, and thus the unfortunate victim ends up not being unable to take authoritative action over the crimes being committed.

It ends with a pessimistic and inevitable climax, which tragically reveals how powerless the scenario was the whole time. While this does make the movie feel anti-climactic and pointless, it paints a terrifying picture of the reality of cybercrime.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!